In metropolitan Houston alone over 13,000 ex-offenders are released into the city each year. Often 50% of those released return to prison. Caring Friends is an adjunct partner with Spirit Key, Inc.
- Support transitional efforts that provide jobs and offer a stable, ethical and spiritual living environment for ex-offenders in the difficult re-entry process.
The Ex-Offender and Re-entry
An ex-offender re-enters the community needing a job, a place to live, food and clothing, and a stable, drug free residential community that provides moral and spiritual support along with accountability.
Cost of prison confinement per offender per year is $30,000+. Tax payers alone, apart from any benevolent motivations, benefit from holistic ex-offender re-entry programs that return productive citizens back into the community.
$100 designated donation provides immediate support for gasoline and bus tokens for job interviews, and for clothing, food and toiletries.
Sustainability: Ex-offenders beat the odds of recidivism when they are provided a drug-free environment, room and board while job hunting, and a faith based collegial environment that encourages inner transformation.
raised of a $5,000.00 goal